Recruiting, Retaining, Managing Volunteers

Description: We rely upon volunteers, that is certain. Where do you find volunteers with the skills necessary to be truly helpful? How do you keep volunteers engaged and on task? How do you keep them wanting to volunteer again and again? Join our discussion to share your experiences. Don't forget to take notes on this wiki page!


Time: Monday 2:45-4:15


Location: Roxy Room


Facilitators: Michelle Garrett & Shannon Linton, Akron Urban League




Retaining, Recruiting, and Managing Volunteers

(feel free to add and/or edit these notes - @CYCFrank)

Can’t just bring anyone in

Recruiting - Where to find volunteers

network with organizations
past students
College & HS seniors - Private HS has to do community service hours has to be 18 years old.

incentive, scholarship forms, college applications etc

internship programs - through urban league
social service agencies
political meetings - Ward meeting pulled in volunteers and students.
Jobs and Family Services
Librarians to find volunteers


Background check - some local social/Human resources deparments do it free.

CLE: Violent or Sex offense - turn down


Childcare providers go through this check


explain to volunteer about the importance of the check and the experience of the background check and how they will go through the same during job search process.

test out : What test out?  8 or higher
    survey monkey, upgraded by ??

Interview, resume, personal assessment,

Incentives: computer, reduced price on laptops,
    refurbished laptops,

attendance principle

volunteer incentive

Cleveland group CYC trainers with shadowing and train the to become trainers

KEYS training, computer, relationships: call email, spoil them, take them to lunch, offer exciting experience,

ask them “what do you want out of this?” (know what matters to the person so that you can meet that need)
    contact them on job opportunities

Ask When can you help? What ever you say you can do, commit to it? Offer other sites to volunteer
Seniors Serving Seniors
Offer them Certificates
Have volunteer call residents of their neighborhood especially public housing

Everyone should not be volunteering

outreach volunteer - give them some fun leaving the building and going somewhere with the team

Place based off talents and abilities
        set boundaries and rules - volunteers not teachers open to ideas
            Possibly create a document that states: best volunteers practices

Protect your trainers - big fish don’t fit in little ponds and social graces are needed

Find out company policy - volunteer management

Volunteer Training/Orientation - present, how to represent the program, moodle, dropbox surveymonkey, assess their interests and abilities

Offer more than just CYC volunteer employees : lead them to partner volunteer opportunities

Document every incident/bad experience with students and volunteers

One team menitioned hiring a Grant-writer for a  volunteer management staff
    so that when CYC is done volunteers are still able to serve their community.


Recruiting, Retaining & Managing Volunteers.pptx