SBA PCC Evaluation Working Group

The SBA PCC Evaluation Working Group's purpose: 
A) Provide suggestions to NTIA regarding SBA and PCC evaluation technical assistance.

B. Define a space for sharing evaluation materials and discussing evaluation. Having such a location will allow this working group to focus upon our specific task at hand. At the moment, the sharing space is this wiki on the Evaluation Resources Page.
B) Define why a common set of questions would be helpful, including possible funding sources. This will help us in to focus the common set of evaluation questions and criteria.
C.) Define a common set of evaluation questions and answer choices. Begin with defining big picture issues then drill down to specific questions and answer choices. Grantees are welcome to use not use the agreed upon questions.

All folks working on evaluation of SBA or PCC projects are welcome to participate in this working group. We are working group so all calls and discussions will be focused upon outcomes. General sharing of information will occur in spaces defined by the working group.


July 26, 2011 Conference Call Notes

Next Call:

Aug 9 @ 4:00 Eastern / 1:00 Pacific
Length - 1 hour
Dial-in Number       877 746-4263
Participant Code      0280421#



- Confirm this group's purpose.
- Upcoming evaluation technical assistance from NTIA?

- Encourage group members to post evaluation resources to the wiki.

- Define why a common set of questions would be helpful, including possible funding sources.
- Begin defining shared big picture evaluation questions. Draft:
    1.Who are we serving and Internet access prior to involvement in program.
            a. Demographics
            b. Internet skills
            c. Internet access & use
    2. What changes did program participants experience following from our program?
            a. Internet skills
            b. Internet access
            c.  Internet use
- Set date and time of next call.

3rd Call Agenda
- Begin defining specific questions within each big picture item.

SBA PCC Evaluation Working Group is being organized by:
Amy Lucky, ZeroDivide and Angela Siefer, representing OneCommunity